M:CI aims to become the first global alliance for planning and implementing large-scale sustainable urban solutions in a range of cities around the world.
ETG is currently partnering with the Fraunhofer Institute of Germany on their leading-edge Morgenstadt: City Insights [M:CI] project. Morgenstadt literally translates as “City of Tomorrow” or “City of the Future”. The City Insights Network is comprised of key Fraunhofer applied research institutes, high-profile industry partners, and municipal and community representatives from urban areas around the world. The network is a powerful nexus for generating and implementing innovative solutions to accelerate the transition of urban systems towards sustainability. Pilot projects will take place in a range of cities, with in-depth focus on three demonstration cities to be selected early 2014.
Morgenstadt: City Insights [M:CI]
Projects: Project opportunities in urban sustainability solutions with Fraunhofer acting as trusted project broker (opportunities in “deep dive” cities, network partner cities, and any city ready to design and implement sustainability solutions)
Network: Ongoing Access to M:CI Network (Peer-to-peer and cross-sectoral learning and action network), 3 in-person network wide workshops per year. Network includes industry, research, ngo, and city members.
Innovation Labs: Urban sustainability “Innovation Labs” supported by sector experts, designed to result in concrete innovative cross-sectoral project concept notes. All city network partners will be encouraged to participate (minimum 12 per year)
Sustainable Urban Development Model, Methodology, Research: Access to research & ongoing developments in M:CI urban sustainability analysis toolkit and systems model
Living Laboratory City Engagements: Participate in “deep dive” analysis, visioning, and sustainable economic development road mapping, and project development and implementation for three select first-mover cities
>> Download:
City Insights Overview (pdf)
City Insights Phase II Overview (ppt)
City Insights Phase II Detailed Concept Paper (pdf)
City Insights Phase II Summary Leaflet (pdf)
>> Visit:
morgenstadt website
fraunhofer website
>> Other Partners:
– Warren Karlenzig of Common Current: Community Sustainability and Urban Resilience
– WEIR-TSUS – Green Value Chain management
– ParCenTra – Participant Centered Training
The Fraunhofer City Insights Network aims to accelerate the global transition to sustainable urban systems. Members of the Network share three important convictions:
- Sustainable cities are the key to a sustainable future.
- Technical, organizational, and financial innovations are key to creating sustainable cities.
- Interdisciplinary collaboration lies at the heart of urban innovation.
Based on these convictions the City Insights Network developed a radical new approach to urban systems research. In order to more deeply understand the underlying forces influencing and shaping sustainable urban development and the future of cities worldwide, in 2012 twelve Fraunhofer research institutes joined forces with a network of high-profile industry and city partners.
Phase I of the M:CI project involved 18 months of research on global best practices in sustainable cities and the development of an urban systems model and set of analysis tools. Phase II, initiating in January 2014, will focus on developing and implementing projects. The M:CI network will act as a hub of first movers and innovators who are motivated to demonstrate success in cities around the world.